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Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen Club Rules



1. Any minor caught using a controlled substance, drinking beer or an alcoholic beverage on the premises will be expelled from the club.

2. Anyone making a controlled substance, beer or alcoholic beverage available to minors will be dealt with at the discretion of the club membership.

3. Each membership will be required to put in 5 hours per year. Said work hours to be completed and turned in by November 1st of each year.

4. Work hours performed as required by the By-Laws can be counted only if reported in WRITING, DATED AND SIGNED, and given to the member in charge of work hour book, within ten (10) days of their completion.

5. Work hours will be non-transferable except with the approval of the officers at a board of directors meeting.

6. It is the responsibility of a member to keep the club secretary treasurer informed of his current address.

7. Any member found guilty of abusing club property will be subject to suspension

8. SHOOTING PRIVILEDGES: Members bringing a guest are limited to the following:
a. No cost for first time shooting.
b. Normal cost for each additional time shooting.
First time guests must be accompanied at all times on the course by a club member.

9. Any member convicted of a game violation must pay the sum equal to one half of the fine to Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen.

10. Any member awarded money from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Board for information which lead to the arrest and conviction of game violators will be awarded one half the reward, up to $50.00 maximum.

11. No one under 14 years of age will be allowed on the course without the supervision of an adult member.

12. No killing of any small game is permitted on the outdoor club property, except for control purposes as determined by the board of directors.

13. Any member littering the outdoor club property will be subject to suspension by the club membership.

14. ALL CLUB TRAVELING TROPHIES are the property of the club and may be awarded and retired at the discretion of the officers.

15. All participants shooting in leagues sponsored by the club shall adhere to the league rules set by the board of directors of the club.

© 2025 by Lauralyn Brunson for STANSBURY OQUIRRH BOWMEN.  

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