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STOB By - Laws

As Amended 03/18/2022


Article I
Section 1. The name of this club shall be the “Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen”.

Article II
Section 1. The office and principle place of business shall be the residence of the President.

Article III
Section 1. Regular meetings will be conducted on the last Monday of each month and/or when the officers deem necessary.

Article IV

  • Section 1. The FULL MEMBERSHIP shall be $40.00 . ( UAA membership is included) . Will include spouse and children residing at primary residence


  • Section 2. The HALF YEAR MEMBERSHIP of $20.00 ( No UAA membership). Will include spouse and children residing primary residence .

  • Section 3. The Junior membership (til age 18) shall be $15.00. (No UAA membership)

  • Section 4. Membership shall be due November 1st

  • Section 5. LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP. This membership is awarded to members inducted into the Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen’s Hall of Fame. Lifetime members shall remain a member of Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen for the rest of their natural life free of charge.

  • Section 6. The Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen shall maintain affiliation with the Utah Archery Association. All Full Members are required to be members of the Utah Archery Association.

  • Section 7. Additionally, each membership (single or family) will be required to work 5 Work hours at organized work parties, shoots, or other club functions. All work hours must be reported in writing to the club secretary or board of directors within 10 days of completion. All work hours not completed will be subject to a fee per hour as set by the board of directors. Work hours shall be completed by the end of the membership year (November 1st). If work hours or payment for uncompleted work hours are not satisfied by November 1st, admission to the club will be denied . After November 1st , only payment for uncompleted work hours will be accepted. Once payment is received admission to the club will be allowed.

  • Section 8. HALL of FAME. The Stansbury Oquirrh shall maintain a Hall of Fame. Members may be nominated for the Hall of Fame in writing to the board of directors. This nomination shall include, the reason for inclusion to the Hall of Fame. The nominations will be reviewed by the board of directors. If the board of directors feels a nomination is worthy of induction by a majority vote of the board, that nomination will be presented to the club membership for majority approval. Only one induction to the HOF is allowed per year( a married couple is allowed as one induction) unless special circumstances require a deviation. Minimum qualifications for the HOF include must have been an active member for at least 10 years. Must have made a significant contribution in service to the club and/or the community as related to archery. Must exhibit good character and good sportsmanship and a genuine wiliness to serve and promote the sport of archery. Members of the Hall of Fame will receive a Lifetime membership to the Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen.



Article V

Officers and Their Duties

  • Section 1. Officers of the club shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer and four board of directors.

  • Section 2. The President will be the chairman of all committees and shall issue calls for and preside at all meetings of the membership. Assign members of the board of directors their assigned duties as described in section 5. Appoint chairman of permanent and special committees and in general perform the duties of the office.

  • Section 3. The Vice President shall assist the President in performance of his/her duties, and shall assume the office of President if he/she is not able to act, or is dismissed. The Vice president shall manage all leagues and club activities, including state tournaments.

  • Section 4. The Secretary Treasurer shall keep all records of the club, service notice of meetings by the president, conduct correspondence necessary to the office. Maintain a roster of memberships, submit reports to UAA membership coordinator, he/she shall collect and disperse monies of the club as directed by the membership, deposit same in a suitable manner, keep accurate account of receipts and disbursements.

  • Section 5 The Board of directors will be assigned duties by the president that shall include range captain duties, including setting up the range for shoots, and assisting the Vice President in managing leagues and tournaments. Another board member shall be assigned gathering and keeping records of membership work hours. Another board member will act as the UAA Rep. will attend the UAA board of director meetings and will report UAA activities to membership and take club recommendations back to UAA Directors.

  • Section 6. At the end of each officers term, the officers must review all important club papers, inventories of properties and monies for their approval to be turned over to the new officers. At such time the newly elected officers will sign for and receive all club papers, inventories, monies, and assume responsibilities for same.

  • Section 7. All officers and board of directors in good standing will not be required to pay Club dues. The Stansbury Oquirrh Bowmen will be responsible to pay the Officers and board of directors Utah Archery Association dues.



Article VI
Election and Voting

  • Section 1. All elective officers shall serve for a period of two years. Elections shall be held during the month of February, and terms of that office shall be two years from that month and such time a election has been completed to select a person for that position.

  • Section 2. The election of the offices of President and two Directors shall alternate every other year with the election of the offices of Vice President, and the other two directors.

  • Section 3. The office of Secretary Treasurer shall be an appointed position. The new President (Every two years) shall nominate/present to the Board of Directors a new person of his or her choice to serve as Secretary Treasurer for the period of two years. The Board of Directors shall approve the nomination by a majority vote.

  • Section 4. Voting shall be by members in good standing (Individual must be at least 12 years of age).

  • Section 5. A quorum of 5 board members and officers must be present to hold a vote on general club activities. A majority vote of the board of directors/officers can place a vote to the club membership at a meeting called for that purpose.

  • Section 6. A majority of current club membership at a meeting called for that purpose must vote in favor of By-Law and club rule changes.

  • Section 7. Proxy votes may be accepted for changes in By-Laws and club rules. Votes must be received within 2 days of the meeting.

  • Section 8. The President only votes in order to break a tie.

  • Section 9. Emergency proposals pertaining to the club and vacancy appointments may be approved by the officers and board of directors. As such may be subject to membership approval if deemed necessary by a majority vote of the officers and board of directors

  • Section 10. A majority vote of the board of directors may expel an officer or director from office or a member from membership. This action can be initiated due to dereliction of duty, breaking club rules, or any action the board of directors deems detrimental to the club or its membership.

Article VII
Fees, Dues and Delinquencies

  • Section 1. Effective from and after the adoption of these By-Laws, all dues shall be as follows:

a. Full $40.00*
b. Half Year $20.00
c. Junior $15.00
*(UAA dues are included in club dues).

  • Section 2. All fees for tournaments or for participation in tournaments , leagues and any other club activities shall be established by the officers and board of directors.

  • Section 3. Members must pay all current obligations by November 1st of each year to be in good standing.

Article VIII
Object and Purpose

  • Section 1. The object and purpose of this club is declared as follows:

1. To provide members with facilities to shoot year round (indoor & outdoor).
2. To provide members with potential tournaments and leagues throughout the year.
3. To host at least one state invitational a year.
4. To encourage and assist beginning archers and bowhunters.
5. To promote and encourage good sportsman like methods and conduct in the sport of bowhunting and all hunting in general.
6. To inform and provide the public information and training to better the sport of archery and bowhunting.
7. To assist and cooperate with all other clubs, associations and agencies in support of wildlife conservation, preservation, hunting, and sportsmanship.

© 2025 by Lauralyn Brunson for STANSBURY OQUIRRH BOWMEN.  

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